Well it appears that winter is finally loosening its grip and allowing some warmth back into my little corner of the world.
I made it to the Donnie Smith Swap Meet last weekend and aquired a new seat for my scoot. On Sunday I put the seat on, put new speakers in the fairing, put a new windshield on and changed my fluids. It was a good day. I even got to go for a little ride.
Today they are talking about it hitting 70 something. I can assure you that I will be putting some miles on. Hopefully you will stop reading this and do the same. Have a good day. I'm going to try to attach a pitcure of my baby. If it doesn't work you'll have to use your imagination. Later!
Well if it isn't a fellow MinneSnooooooowtan.
Finally, Again some decent riding weather today(75 degrees on May 4th. Just to turn around and only have high 50's again starting tomorrow. WTF!
Thanks for stopping by my blog man!
I really enjoy your blog, it's very well done. Where abouts in Minnesota you from?
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