I'm going to have to apologize to every biker in the tristate area. I'm pretty sure that this shitty weather is my fault. I just had to go and get a different bike last August that I desperately want to ride. If anyone from another part of the country is looking at this just take a gander at the weather in Minnesota and South Dakota lately. Wet and cold sums it up pretty good. I think I saw that Lead South Dakota got like 6 or 7 inches of snow over the weekend. I know there was snow in Duluth, and I had to scrape frost off of my windows on Sunday morning. We are rolling somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 degrees below normal. I understand that the snow doesn't really stick around for very long this time of year but c'mon, it's May for fucks sake. I just want to ride, is that so wrong?!
Anywho, I'm done now. Sunday is looking like 70 degrees, and I will take it.
You sonofabitch. It's your fault!
Yep, it was me. I suck. :-)
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